Are You Eating This Vegan Steak Made By A 3D Printer?
First they tell you that you should be drinking estrogen producing soy milk instead of whole milk, now they are coming for your steak:
Absolutely disgusting. Have you ever zoomed in on your shirt to see the threads? If you haven’t, it looks like this:
I get it, some people are vegan. But if you are vegan, eat your bullshit cookies you have convinced yourself tastes good and bland tofu. But this? I mean come on:
What is the green shit on the top?
“The final product will have the same texture and appearance as a beef steak.” Well, you’ve got a long way to go.
You know how you can tell this vegan steak sucks just from this guys reaction:
That’s the face you make when you don’t like food. I’ve made it a 100 times and so have you.
Be careful of Big Vegan taking over your life. They have an agenda! Don’t let their propaganda infiltrate your mind!