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China Was A 25 Point Dog And Won??

I cannot believe this is a real sentence. The Heat beat the China National team by about 50 and the Hornets fucking lost. I don’t care if Miles Bridges didn’t play that is just ridiculous. It was a sad scene at the mush residence. I was eating a coffee cake laying down which should be a crime but I was real tired so don’t worry about me.

You couldn’t take them money line to start the game but you could have been on them live at like +2000. If you did take them, fuck you because nobody in the world thought they were going to win. We also need to stop the whole thing after the game people tweeting come on that was so easy why did you take that team. I am hear to tell you how to win this free money.

NBA Summer League –

The Miami Heat. That is all you need to know. They are the greatest Summer League team to ever live, they are on your tail 24/7. When you think they are down and out and give up on them, you just blink then they are winning. I don’t even want to tell you who they are playing they are just going to win.

Heat – 6

Extra –

OKC -15