Jimmy Howard Vs. The Rangers Has Now Gone Under 17 Times In A Row

I’ve never been a huge trend guy in betting. If anything, I’d go the other way figuring the Generals were due. But this Tweet came across my timeline yesterday:

It seemed preposterous. 16 unders in 16 games. Would Wednesday’s national TV game break the streak? (Shoutout to NBNCSN for not slotting the Stanley Cup Champs vs. McDavid and Draisaitl and giving us two lottery teams on a night when there were two games to choose from).

I checked the starting goalies and saw Howard was going against Hank so I could see the goalies stealing the show. Howard was 10-3-3 in the first 16 games but no way in fuck was I risking coin on the Wings.

I ended up chucking a dime on the under but didn’t see much after the first period because we were recording Chiclets. Which was just as well.

I’m not sure how long he ended up pulled for but I would’ve had a heart attack sweating that shit out. But it stayed under to make it 17 straight. That’s a wild stat, wonder if it’s a record. I’d be curious to see some Expansion Era comps but would have no fucking clue where to find stats on hockey O/Us from the ’70s relating to the starting goalie.

Either way, the next game between the two is January 31, 2020. Be sure to check the starting goalies first.