Duke Is Real. It's Dukes Year

I know this is troll cat but you can’t troll when it is true. They were exhausted from this game playing an emotional game against a rival that went to overtime. Then to come back one day later to play the number 8 team in the country and beat them easily. That shows you that they are ready for March. Different players keep having impact on these games and thats why they are so good. There depth is better then any other team. I kept hearing about how athletic and deep Florida State was. Fuck that, Duke realized the paint wasn’t going to be easy to score points so they adjusted and shot Florida State out of the gym.

Listen I know I am a Duke fan, but you need to see how impressive this win was on such short rest. You saw how tired they were and they still gutted it out without Vernon Carey doing much. Jordan Gouldwire can’t shoot for shit and he came out of nowhere and played a huge game. Just stop being haters and see how good they are. eep your Mercer, Lehigh jokes to yourself and watch them with the tournament this year in your face. They were built for March so wait and see.

Them not covering -8 was rough. They had several chances to run away with it and they had some turnovers. Cassius Stanley forgot how to shoot and he needed to bang a three for momentum. Keep betting on them though because in the long run they will be making you money. Everyone needs to stop hating for a second and recognize a great team.