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Soccer Legend Gary Lineker Tweets Out Awesome Michael Jordan Gambling Story

This is probably the 25th Michael Jordan gambling blog, but I had no hesitation in hitting the publish on this bad boy because honestly, I can't get enough of them. 

For you uncultured American swine, Gary Lineker is an English soccer legend. He scored over 230 goals in his professional career, which included stops at Leicester City, Everton, Tottenham (COYS), and Barcelona. He, also, has scored 48 goals for the English national team in just 80 appearances. 

On top of all of that, Lineker has also played golf with Michael Jordan:

Love how he played it cool. 

"Thankfully he was free." Uhhhhh ya think? What would it take for you to not show up to playing golf with MJ and Samuel L Jackson? A death in the family? Even if that happened that person who died would've had to been close to you. I wouldn't be skipping this tee time for an asshole cousin.

"Whatever makes you feel uncomfortable, man."

What a line from MJ. It never fails to amaze me how many of these great gambling stories are out there. He's one of the GOATs in the NBA and definitely the GOAT of gambling. All I'm waiting for now is a Michael Jordan - Billy Walters story.