Outdoor Casinos In California? Fuck It, Let's Get Nuts

PND - Gambling outside can be a dicey proposition, pun completely intended.
So while gambling outside might be risky, the COVID-19 pandemic has made everyone make some changes. That includes the San Jose city council, which voted 10-1 on Tuesday to allow the city’s two casinos, Bay 101 and Casino M8trix, to hold their gambling entertainment outside. The idea is to give people more room to spread out, playing under giant tents. And while social distancing, masks, and plexiglass dividers will still be required, the outdoor environments are safer in terms of the coronavirus spread than are indoor spaces.
California Governor Gavin Newsom ordered the state’s card rooms to close in March. They were able to reopen in late June, but when COVID-19 cases exploded around the country because people got impatient and it was time OPEN FOR BUSINESS, card rooms in 19 California counties had to shut down again in July.
Finally, a reasonable answer to casinos being closed. Take everything that was inside….and put it outside! Brilliant! Fucking right. Can't believe we didn't think of this earlier to be honest. Just put up big ass circus tents and let people gamble to their hearts' contents outdoors under the big top. Everyone wins.
They've played poker outside before. Stu Ungar won the 1997 Main Event outside in Vegas, and never forget this bluff from Ike Haxton at PCA with the wind blowing in his hair. And prayers up to Mike Sexton who is battling cancer. An amazing poker ambassador, wishing him the best in his battle.
Shit, why stop there? You ever gambled on a swim-up table? I haven't…but I'd like to!
Ever been to Encore Beach Club in Vegas? Blackjack tables surround the outdoor pool, it's the meanest thing they can do to a young whippersnapper trying to impress a girl. What are you going to do, NOT give her money to play with? I cannot imagine how many broke college kids think pulling out $100 to play with is going to impress a girl in Las Vegas. I've seen it with my own two eyes, it's mightily depressing. But when you're in Vegas, the wind in your hair, and there is a blackjack table at the pool, you gotta play. It's just the rules.
By the way, every time I'm about to buy something stupid or pay way too much for dinner, I always tell myself it's ok because I wasn't able to go to Vegas this Summer and blow multiple paychecks. Going to be using that reasoning well into 2021 whenever I spend $60 on dinner.
And hey, check out episode 75 (75 episodes!!!!) of Cracking Aces if you will. We spend a good amount of time on this show discussing how one becomes a professional poker player in today's day and age- the tools you need, the people you should surround yourself with, etc. Pretty cool episode. Appreciate anyone and everyone who gives us a listen. Also Jake tells us about the biggest pot he ever lost, it was at an underground game with Paul Pierce.
And hit us with a follow on Twitter and IG as well.