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This Week's Barstool College Football Show Got Contentious Over A Bet That May Ruin Kayce Smith or Brandon Walker's Life



Things are gonna get reeeaaallll interesting down in Starkville this weekend. The official bet goes as follows:

Kayce and Brandon will both be going down to Mississippi State for the game to shoot some content.

The line for the bet/game is Texas A&M -7 @ Mississippi State 

If Texas A&M wins by more than 7 points, Brandon Walker will be forced to drive 17 hours home from Mississippi back to New Jersey while Brandon's daughter either fly's home with Kayce or is forced to drive all the way back with him.

If Mississippi State wins or loses by 6 points or less, Kayce will have to drive home.

(If Texas A&M wins by 7 the bet is a push and they both get to fly home as planned.)


A HUGE wrinkle added to the bet is that our guy Jared "Saugus Rocket" Carrabis has offered to fly down and film the drive back with Kayce if she loses so one of our producers doesn't have to. What a swell guy. Kayce mentioned spending 17 hours in the car with Jared could lead to a potential "murder-suicide" so buckle up and stay tuned!


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