Shoot Your Shot 2018: Texas A&M QB Nick Starkel Tweets Out Looking For Waitress Named "Lindsey," Internet Finds Her In 2 Hours

Shoot your shot 2018 is off to a HOT START in College Station:

This is why you work your whole life to be an SEC QB. All the hours in the gym when your friends were playing Xbox are worth it for moments just like this. Your life as a kid might’ve sucked because your dad was out of his mind and had you throwing 500 football’s a day since you were 3-years-old, but now you are the king of the world. You are Nick Starkel and can tweet out looking for any girl in College Station and the internet is your army to help you:

Now, let’s take a look at Starkel’s latest follows, yupppppp:

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He’s got the wholeeeee world, in his hands:

Easy. No awkward “hey, what’s your name?” conversation which you have no idea how to continue after the “oh you are from Texas?” part. Just a simple tweet. That’s the Tinder generation, folks. Here’s an idea for any nerd that can code an application: make an app that college kids can go on once they enter a bar. It’s sort of like Tinder, but you can see every person that is in the bar’s profile and swipe right on them. You can then see who has swiped right on you. From there you can then decide to approach or not. This would increase college hookups by 1000%. You must give me 50% of all profits.

Let the Lindsey Riney – Nick Starkel (probable) hookup be evidence:

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